South Tyneside Council

Election voting in person

Cleadon Park Electoral Area - 07 Jun 2001 Parliamentary Election

Voting in person
Station Electorate Votes Turnout
Portable Station: Prince Edward Road junct Sunderland Road 657 219 33.3%
Cleadon Park Community Association: 1049 607 57.9%
Portable Station: Hillside junct The Lonnen 591 315 53.3%
St. Margaret's Church Hall: Prince Edward Road 1200 597 49.8%
The Sutton Hall: 210-212 Prince Edward Road 645 291 45.1%
Portable Station: Park Avenue / Sunderland Road 824 317 38.5%
Portable Station: next to Beaconside on Prince Edward Road 583 372 63.8%
Overall 5549 2718 49%