South Tyneside Council


Online council services and payments

Hoarding Erection Licence

Highways Act 1980 - Section 169

If you want to apply for permission to erect a hoarding, please complete this form.

Please note you must attach a site location plan.

The types of electronic documents that we can accept are:

1. Any Microsoft Office file containing graphics e.g. .doc .xls .ppt etc.

2. Any common picture files or Metafiles that can be opened in Microsoft Word.

3. Most Graphics files e.g. .bmp .pcx .tif .gif .jpg.

4. Any file that can be opened using Paintshop Pro.

5. Adobe pdf.

6. Most common CAD formats e.g. dwg .dwf .dxf.

7. Most plot files and printer files provided they are in a standard format e.g. hpgl hpgl2 pc3 pgl.

8. Encapsulated Post Script files.

Steps to complete this form

  1. Enter your details
  2. Enter your company details
  3. Enter location of hoarding
  4. Attach location plan

Items you will need to complete this form

  1. Location of Hoarding
  2. Location Plan

This form is currently unavailable