Online council services and payments
- Animals & Pests
- Dogs, seagulls, rats, wasps
- Business Rates
- Rates, payments, refunds
- Council Tax & Finance
- Payments, discounts, refunds, change of address
- Energy Efficiency
- Grants, home improvement, new appliances
- Libraries
- Check book availability, maintain library account, Genealogical Search
- Planning
- Plans, construction, demolition, safety, development, regulation
- Register Office
- Birth, death and marriage certificates
- Rubbish & recycling
- Bins, bulky waste, fly tipping, fly posting, litter, public toilets
- Social Care
- Care visits, fostering & adoption, community alarms, child care
- Vehicles & Parking
- Abandoned vehicles, parking permits, blue badge, fines & appeals
- Benefits
- Applications, report fraud, calculate entitlement
- Consumer Advice
- Food safety, under age sales, counterfeit goods, rogue traders
- Elections
- Register of electors, postal votes
- Housing
- Repairs, garage rental, right to buy, housing applications & transfers
- Licensing & Permits
- Permits, taxis, licensing, repairs, property & land rental
- Policing & Public Safety
- Anti social behaviour, vandalism, noise, burglar alarms
- Roads & Pathways
- Drains, footpaths, trees, potholes, street lights,obstructions, skips
- Schools
- Admissions, free meals, child employment
- Sports & Leisure
- Play grounds, facilities, football